Adventures & Thoughts #1: Perth's Secret Garden | Acupofjessicatedcoconut


After my last exam on thursday, I met up with my dear friends Raissa and Laura to venture on a great (30 minute) road trip to a little hidden garden overflowing with lush greenery which fulfilled my little heart oh so nicely after 2 weeks of pure stress and emotional overload. 
This place was truly breath taking. It's kind of very rare to find a place like this in Perth because a lot of the nature here is characterized by the typical dry, slightly muted tones of green seen in the many native trees and plants that basically embody the quintessential Australian landscape. So you can imagine how stepping into this place felt like travelling to whole other country. It was truly amazing.
Before I let out a great big load of word vomit filled with the messy thoughts that have accumulated in my head over the last few weeks, I'll quickly go through my outfit details for those interested:

Top: Missguided
Trousers: Fi & Co (vintage)
Boots: Thrifted 
Bag: Sportsgirl

I've mentioned my exams so much in my last few posts that I'm sure you all know that JESS HAD HER EXAMS and they were awful. The lead up towards the exams were almost worse than actually sitting the 6 exams because up until the very last day, basically every class still had tests and assessments which was very unusual as it was supposed to be assessment free week, so what the heck school what are you trying to do to your dear students? So basically, there was hardly any time to study to the exams as I was completely drowning in work that had to be done for the tests and assessments I had in that final week. The two weeks of exams were very strange, to sum it up in a simple sentence for you all: I got no sleep and ate lots of bad food.
 Now that my exams are done, I can't help but panic at the thought of getting them back in a few days time, BUT I AM TRYING TO REMAIN POSITIVE. 

It's also really starting to dawn on me that in a few months time I am going to be done with high school and that is simultaneously the most comforting and daunting prospect I've been faced with. It's just a kind of weird feeling you know, like I remember thinking in year 8 how weird it was that I was going to graduate in the year 2015 and how that seemed a million years away and like it would never come. But now I'm finding myself face to face with the end of this terrible 5 year journey which I am so pleased to leave behind completely (with the exception of a few dear friends) but instead of feeling wholeheartedly excited and happy about finishing high school, I feel equally as nervous and unprepared to tackle the real world without the weird comfort that comes with the routine you have laid out for you in high school. In saying that, my plans for the future are kind of almost beginning to take shape and I guess that in itself is a small little success I should find some kind of hope and encouragement in. 

High school has just been a bit of a mess from beginning to the point at which I am at right now, and although I am eternally grateful for some of the people I have met through it all, I just really hope things end up ok and that 5 years of rubbish pays off and ends on a more positive note. Oh man sorry this has been kind of a sad post hasnt it? I don't mean to scare anyone of the high school experience, a lot of people actually love it!
 I really am happy that exams are over though, so look forward to more blog posts and I am super sorry for my absence in the past few weeks! 


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  1. Wow, where is this beautiful place? Enjoy the relaxation while you can xx

    1. sorry for the late response lovely! It's in Careniup Reserve in Gwelup xxx

